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Case Study 7: Cracking and other defects

‘A’road, Wales: Viafix is an extremely cost effective material for the repair of joints and cracks. This trial, conducted by the North Wales Trunk Road Agency (NWRTRA) on the A494 demonstrated this application under very challenging conditions. On 12/02/09 – a freezing day with light snow and sleet, Viafix was hand-applied directly to the defect with the very minimum of traffic management (road operatives manning Stop and Go Boards).  Viafix allowed road workers to eliminate the time-consuming milling and saw-cutting processes, and its’ simple no-mix hand-application further sped up the process. The photo below was taken two years after the repair on 23/02/11 and shows how Viafix performs in the long-term, all for 2 minutes 'in road'  time.

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